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My Language:

Saturday Show Podcast

A podcast about literary fiction techniques, and writing more broadly. It's fun and quirky, while also providing straight-up hardcore info on craft.

Visit Show Website http://frankmarcopolos.com/

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    Saturday Show #43: The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls by J.D. Salinger

    Wake up wake up wake up: Your five senses are ...

    Wake up wake up wake up: Your five senses are extremely limited in what they can perceive. Therefore, there's no way to tell (yet) what reality actually IS. Why does this matter? Frank delves into this philosophical matter due to the storyteller issues...

    Dec 1, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #42: F*!$ the Authors Guild

    "Wait. You're doing WHAT?" she said. "I'm writing a fairy ...

    "Wait. You're doing WHAT?" she said. "I'm writing a fairy tale... of OUR relationship," I said. She said... - Plus, news about the latest lawsuit filed by Big Publishing Luddites, the Authors Guild, this time against Google Books,

    Nov 16, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #41: C.I.A. Weaponization of Culture

    In this exciting episode, Frank discusses the revelations that the ...

    In this exciting episode, Frank discusses the revelations that the C.I.A. has been in control of American "culture" since the beginning. This includes the funding of The Paris Review and other literary magazines,

    Nov 2, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #40: Men’s Fiction, featuring Tony Clifton

    Tony Clifton drops in and out of this podcast, while ...

    Tony Clifton drops in and out of this podcast, while Frank discusses the vital importance of men reading. 85% of men in prison grew up without a dad. Men who read become leaders and maintain a cohesive family unit, statistically speaking.

    Oct 26, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #39: No Caffeine

    Frank does the unthinkable for this podcast. He goes for ...

    Frank does the unthinkable for this podcast. He goes for 7 days without any caffeine, and then not only functions, not only attends his normal writing group, but he somehow manages to also speak coherently into the recorder in order to bring you this p...

    Oct 12, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #38: Austin City Limits

    In episode 38 of Saturday Show Podcast, Frank whimsically muses ...

    In episode 38 of Saturday Show Podcast, Frank whimsically muses about ACLs and ACL, the people painting the parking spaces all around him, Austin traffic, and literary fiction techniques galore! The literary fiction discussion includes information on a...

    Oct 5, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #37: Did J.D. Salinger Practice Black Magic? – Reviewing Salinger, Part 3

    "Do you want me to try to get Buddy on ...

    "Do you want me to try to get Buddy on the phone for you tonight?" [Zooey] asked. "I think you should talk to SOMEbody--I'M no damn good for this." He waited, looking at her steadily. "Franny. What about it?" - Franny's head was bowed.

    Sep 21, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #36: Reviewing Salinger – Part 2

    In this episode of Saturday Show Podcast, Frank discusses the ...

    In this episode of Saturday Show Podcast, Frank discusses the timely demise of "Burn Notice," the joys of a gluten-free beer called "Bard's Beer," the new biography of J.D. Salinger entitled "Salinger" by David Shields and Shane Salerno,

    Sep 14, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #35: Reviewing Salinger – Part 1

    In episode 35 of Saturday Show, Frank discusses the new ...

    In episode 35 of Saturday Show, Frank discusses the new biography entitled "SALINGER", written by David Shields and Shane Salerno, plus: literary fiction techniques galore, Oona O'Neill, World War II, D-Day, Hurtgen Forest, the Battle of the Bulge,

    Sep 7, 2013 Read more
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    Saturday Show #34: J.D. Salinger to Publish 5 New Books!

    In episode 34 of Saturday Show Podcast, Frank discusses El ...

    In episode 34 of Saturday Show Podcast, Frank discusses El Jefe Obama's decision not to bomb the hell out of Syria (yet), several different charities to support if you're concerned about humanitarian aid, the HOT news about J.D.

    Aug 31, 2013 Read more