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Genre: Technology

  • Channel 9

    This is the microsoft channel were employee show and talk about their job at microsoft. You can learn more about new versions of software or more about protocols

  • The Bleeding Edge - Gear Live

    Reviews and news of tech gadgets, games, software.

  • HD

    Dr. Bill.TV - Video Netcasts

    Dr. Bill has well over thirty years of experience as a computer professional, and is a System Engineer. He manages both Microsoft Windows and Open Source Linux servers, professionally, and has a particular dedication to the Open Source movement. He believes that the best software, as well as the humans that use it, should be free! He is a system and network engineer, and loves "Geek Culture!" His blog is, "Dr. Bill: The Computer Curmudgeon."

  • The Bleeding Edge

    Gear Live Looks At The World Of Electronic Gadgets, Video Style

  • The Chris Pirillo Show

    Technology, Science, and Entertainment - that's the Chris Pirillo Show! We bring the world's most interesting stories, answers, and personalities straight to your ears - blending information with humor in every byte-sized segment. http://live.pirillo.com/ - A couple of guys from the AlphaGeek crew interviewed Chris about Software Development - what he thinks is wrong with it and how to correct its problems.

  • iCali

    iCali is a quick video podcast for iPhone owners and iPhone dreamers. Cali Lewis from GeekBrief.TV provides a fast look at the best iPhone applications and accessories.

  • GeekBeat.TV - Large

    GeekBeat.TV with Cali Lewis is a show about technology news, gadgets and exciting research that is effecting our future.

  • All CNET Video Podcasts

    Get your fix of all video podcast feeds currently offered through podcast.cnet.com in one place. Right here! In the feed: The Buzz Report, CNET Live, Crave, The Queue. Diggnation's Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht team up with Brian and Tom to answer your questions.

  • Good Game

    Good Game is jam packed with the latest gaming news and events, top gaming tips, reviews, techniques to pimp and boost machine and interviews with industry insiders. Good Game - Episode 01

  • NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory Podcasts

    NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, in orbit since 1999, studies the high-energy Universe, where black holes, exploding stars, and mysterious matter hold sway.
